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Chiropractic in the News

New White Paper Shows Effectiveness of Chiropractic vs. Opioids for Pain Management

nervous system

In a new paper titled, “Chiropractic: A Safer Strategy than Opioids,” by the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress, the group takes an depth look at America’s prescription drug usage for chronic pain while exploring how chiropractic care is safer and more effective in many cases.

Using painkillers as a treatment to manage chronic conditions simply masks the issue at hand and does not correct the disturbance occurring in the body. Often times, pain pills do more harm than good as the risk for addiction, abuse, dependence and sadly, overdoses grow by the year.

However, with chiropractic care, we’re able to restore balance and proper function to the nervous system, allowing us to reduce pain and ultimately correct the disturbance causing issues in the body.

Ultimately, through chiropractic adjustments, we can avoid the use of pain pills all together—which is not only safer for the patient, but much more cost effective with the ever rising price of prescription pain pills.

Read the full Chiropractic vs. Opioids report here »

Sign the National Medicare Equality Petition

We encourage everyone in our community to help get seniors the Medicare coverage they deserve by signing the National Medicare Equality Petition today!

Simply visit the ACA website and click the Add My Name button to sign the petition.

1985 Super Bowl Champion Jim McMahon on Chiropractic:
“Miraculous and Life-Changing”

A few years ago, one of the 1985 Super Bowl champions, Jim McMahon of the Chicago Bears, believed he was in the early stages of dementia.

According to McMahon’s physician Dr. Raymond Damadian, McMahon suffered from Cranio-Cervical Syndrome (CCS), which was causing him his pain. The issues McMahon struggled with originated because of injury to his neck.

Dr. Damadian referred him to a chiropractor after the he was unable to treat McMahon for this devastating condition. McMahon’s symptoms included slurred speech, headaches, foggy thought process, pressure in the skull, forgetfulness and mood swings.

Dr. Damadian, inventor of the FONAR Upright MRL, and New York chiropractor Dr. Scott Rosa partnered by using X-rays and the MRI to diagnose and create a treatment plan for McMahon. A scan using the FONAR Upright MRI revealed that McMahon had a significant misalignment at the base of his skull. The misalignment impeded the flow of his spinal fluid.

Dr. Rosa used his patented Image Guided Atlas Treatment (IGAT) to successfully treat and reverse McMahon’s dementia symptoms.

McMahon has called his chiropractic treatments “miraculous and life changing.”

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Chiropractic in the News Woodbury MN | (651) 735-2400